Marketing Policy Notice


This notice sets out how we use (and protect) your personal information for the purposes of keeping in touch – including data which we gather from you with your consent, whether from the use of our website, attendance at events organised by us or events organised by others on our behalf, or from third parties or provided by you to us on other occasions

We are the Data Controller for personal information relating to people who have:

  • asked to be informed about our activities
  • asked to be kept up-to-date with our initiatives
  • agreed to receive newsletters from us
  • asked to receive marketing literature from us
  • taken part in marketing events organised by us or on our behalf
  • accessed our website

We do not trade personal information for commercial purposes. We do share personal information with our subsidiary and associated companies with whom we work closely. Other than to them, we will only disclose personal information to third parties for marketing purposes if:

  • required or authorised by law
  • necessary to arrange attendance at an event
  • we have your specific consent

We do not intend to transfer any personal information used or stored for marketing processes outside of the EU.

How we collect your personal information

When you subscribe to events at which we are taking part, newsletters, updates from us or simply tell us that you would like to know more about what we do, we will ask for your:

  • name
  • company name if appropriate
  • postal address
  • email address
  • telephone numbers

If you attend an event, we will collect this information from you in person at the event or otherwise when you indicate by whatever other means that you would like to be added to our mailing lists and to receive information about what we do, the events we are taking part in, our newsletters, magazines, new initiatives and industry updates. By subscribing to our mailing lists you will be automatically subscribed to receive email and/or postal updates depending on your preferences.

We also collect information about you when you fill in our ‘Contact Us’ page on our website. Website usage information is collected using cookies, this is not personally identifiable.

If you send us a message through our ‘Contact Us’ page we will enter your information into a CRM system. We will then use this to contact you about your enquiry.

How we use and securely store the personal information we collect

Our use and storage of your personal information for keeping you up to date is however based on your consent. This means that you will only receive information by post and/or email that you have asked to receive. You can withdraw your consent or change your preferences at any time, by telephoning us on 01522 246 454 clicking ‘unsubscribe’ on any of our emails, by writing to us by post to Marketing Compliance Team, PO Box 4412, Wells, Somerset, BA5 9AH or by emailing us at

If you unsubscribe from our emails or withdraw your consent for us to contact you, we will nonetheless store a limited amount of information for a period of two years to ensure that you no longer receive emails from us. More information about how long we store information is available in our retention policy.

We take your privacy and security very seriously. With this in mind, we will treat your data with the utmost care and take all appropriate steps to protect it.

We use AWeber and Mail Chimp to manage our email marketing campaigns. To view AWeber’s privacy policy, please click here. Mail Chimp stores personal information in the EU. Mail Chimp does not share information with third parties. To view Mail Chimp’s privacy policy, click here. 

We use Zoho CRM to store all other personal contact information. To view Zoho’s privacy policy, please click here.  We are currently migrating all data to be stored within Zoho EU CRM so that all personal information is stored in the EU, this exercise will be completed by Friday 8th June 2018.

We have internal policies, procedures and controls in place to prevent your data being lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed.


Website visitors

Our website places cookies (text files) on your computer. The cookies contain an ID number which is used to uniquely identify your browser and track each site you visit that has Google Analytics enabled.

We use the information provided by cookies to determine the number of people visiting our site. It also helps us to better understand how people find and use our website. With this information we can continually improve our website and service.

Our cookies are operated by Google Analytics and store the following data:

  • time of visit, pages visited, and time spent on each page of the website
  • interactions with site-specific widgets
  • referring site details (such as the URL a user came through to arrive at the website)
  • type of web browser
  • type of operating system (OS)
  • flash version, JavaScript support, screen resolution, and screen colour processing ability
  • network location and IP address
  • document downloads
  • clicks on links leading to external websites
  • errors when users fill out forms
  • clicks on videos
  • ‘scroll depth’ (how far you scroll up or down on a page).

If you already have Google Analytics cookies, they will be updated with the latest information about your visit to our website. We cannot access these cookies and are not the data controller for information held by Google Analytics.

Your consent is generally required for cookies to be placed on your computer and for the use and storage of personal information relating to you provided by the cookies. You may withdraw your consent at any time by updating your cookie settings. Where consent is not needed for cookies to be placed on your computer (for example, where a cookie is needed for the operation of our website or for the provision of a service to you), the use and storage of any personal information provided by the cookies will be based on legitimate interests. The legitimate interests we are pursuing are the operation of our website and promotion of our business.

Your rights

If we process your personal data, you have a number of rights. You may request a copy of the personal data we hold about you (and request that that data be provided in a portable format) and you may object to our processing of it (including by way of direct marketing) or ask us to rectify it, restrict the way in which we process it or erase it from our records.

Where we use or store personal information relating to you, you have the following rights:

  • the right to be informed how personal information relating to you is being used or stored (which is what this privacy notice is for)
  • the right to access personal information relating to you which we use or hold
  • the right to object to our keeping in touch (either by using the unsubscribe button or clicking here)
  • the right to object to processing carried out on the basis of legitimate interests
  • the right to erasure of information relating to you that we use or hold (only in some circumstances)
  • the right of data portability
  • the right to have your data rectified if its inaccurate
  • the right to have your data restricted or blocked from processing.

Please be aware that these rights are not always absolute and there may be some situations in which you cannot exercise them or they are not relevant. To help you understand how they work, we have provided link to the Information Commissioner’s Office’s guidance on each of the rights here.


If you have any cause for concern about our handling of personal information, please contact us using the details below.

If we are unable to resolve your concerns about our handling of personal information, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Contact details

Please read this notice carefully and contact us if you have any queries by emailing us at

Or  by writing to:
Marketing Compliance Team, PO Box 4412, Wells, Somerset, BA5 9AH.

Or by telephone to:

01522 246 454

This privacy notice may change from time to time so we recommend that you review it periodically. This version of the privacy notice was last updated on 25th June 2018.

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