Gender Pay Gap Report – April 2023

Home From Home Care is committed to being a fair and diverse employer and we welcome the greater transparency on this issue driven by the new gender pay regulations. We are proud of our strong female representation at senior levels. We are focused on enabling all employees, regardless of gender, race, background or any other characteristics, to reach their full potential. 

This report sets out the gender pay gap for Home From Home Care for 2023 prepared in line with the UK Government’s methodology which requires reporting from each UK entity with over 250 employees.

The below figures show the difference between average hourly and bonus pay levels for women at Home From Home Care compared to men. For the pay gaps, a positive % indicates the extent to which women earn, on average, less per hour and a negative % indicates how much women earn more per hour than their male counterparts. The calculations above include all elements of pay as defined in the regulations. A zero % for bonus gap indicates that there weren’t any bonuses awarded to Male or Females.

Mean Hourly Pay Rate – Female £12.69
Mean Hourly Pay Rate – Male £ 12.56

Mean gender pay gap  -1.1%

Median Hourly Pay Rate – Women £11.98

Median Hourly Pay Rate – Men £11.88

Median gender pay gap -0.8%

The chart & table below shows the proportion of males and females across Home From Home Care in four quartiles, sorted by level of pay.

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